Führen wie Jesus: Leiter schenken Vertrauen – Romesh Raban
Führen wie Jesus: Leiter schenken Vertrauen – Romesh Raban
Gute Führung: Der Leiter vertraut seinen Mitarbeitern und glaubt an sie
#Emphatie – Einfluss statt Macht 2.Tim.1,5.6 1. Service.
Jesus, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the King of the Universe, didn’t come to be served but to serve and give His life to many. He humbly served others by putting the needs of others before his. He showed how to be humble. Through Jesus‘ example of humbleness, leaders are called to lead with humility by putting the needs of the team’s first and serving as a role model.
2. Integrity. Jesus was upright, he was honest and transparent not only in his words but also in his actions. Through this, leaders can learn how to be truly men of their words. When a leader says yes, it’s meant to remain that way. Jesus says in Matthew 5:37- let your yes be a yes and your no be a no. Being faithful to our words, talking the whole truth and nothing but the truth in our interactions with others. This creates trust and respect.
3. Vision. As Leaders, we must have a clear vision for where we want our team to go. Jesus‘ vision was to bring many to faith through His sacrifice on the cross. His vision goes on until today. Even in this right minute millions accept Jesus as their personal Saviour. Leaders need to have a vision which lasts for generations, it is also important that the leader is able to effectively communicate his vision to his team.
4. Accountability. Leaders are called to help one another, to encourage one another. If one falls down, the other can help him up. We as leaders must hold ourselves and our workers or team members accountable for achieving our goals and helping each other along the way.
5. Empathy. As leaders, we must be able to empathize with our team and understand their unique perspectives and needs. We must be like-minded, compassionate and humble. Through such values Leaders are being a role model to their workers and build trust with their team. The Bible is full of examples where leaders trust their followers. For example, we see God being the greatest leader trusting his servant Noah to build the Ark according to God’s instructions and then Noah following them. Even though to many he seemed outcome. So Leaders are called to trust their workers and let them perform their duties, to allow them to shine in their work.
A true Leader hands over a job and waits for it to be carried out instead of constantly asking for feedback. As workers, we are called likewise to not break that trust but to fulfill our given duties appropriately without any shortcoming. Likewise we see also how God trusted Moses to bring his people out of slavery into the promised Land. God of course prepares and equips the people who are called to be leaders, here we see how God prepared a leader for over 40 years and how much trust was needed. I would like to highlight that trust isn’t something to be taken lightly and something to be misused. Trust takes time to build and once it’s broken, it is very difficult to rebuild it. Understanding is also another factor to be considered. Leaders not only trust their workers but also understand them. They understand their limits. This happens also through a relationship between the leader and the worker where the leader shows interest and is simply there for him in times of necessity and likewise the worker sharing his problems. So trust and understanding go hand in hand and both are of great importance.
Also Leaders watch over their workers. When workers commit mistakes, leaders correct them and guide them in the right manner. When leaders correct their workers, the workers must adhere to the leader’s correction and respect it. This is also a matter of trust. If someone isn’t obedient to the leader I’d say that the trust is broken. As hard as it may sound, discipline is important not only individually but also collectively. Especially in church.
A leader gives strength to the weary worker, he upholds him, he motivates him, he allows the worker to shine and gives him time to do that, he understands him, he doesn’t use force but trusts in him and finally he sets an example by being trustworthy.
So leaders trust your workers, discipline them because discipline is everytime important. A shepherd corrects his sheep when they walk in wrong paths likewise a leader disciplines his workers. Workers, listen and obey and trust likewise your leaders. They are showing you the right way to go.
ICB International Ministry Training Lehr Saison 2: Führen wie Jesus – Der gute Hirte: Johannes Evangelium 10,1-17
Vision: Die International Church Bonn mit Locations in Bonn und in Alfter hat eine Sicht von einer Kirche, die international und interkulturell ist. Ein Haus des Gebets für alle Nationen, eine missionale Kirche die kulturkontextuell und kultursensibel Gottes frohe Botschaft kommuniziert, Menschen ein Zuhause bietet und ihnen hilft Jesus nachzufolgen.
Unser Wachstumspfad:
– Gott kennenlernen
– Freiheit finden
– Finde Dein Potential
– Verändere die Welt!
Unsere Methode:
– Gott kennenlernen: Durch Gottesdienste
– Freiheit finden: Durch Kleingruppen und Seelsorge
– Finde Dein Potential: ICB International Bibel Training: Mitarbeiter und Leiterschulung Online
– Verändere die Welt!: Fähigkeitsworkshop und Gemeindepraktikum